Hello, I'm Jacque.
Jacque Hardy
Intake Coordinator
She is a native Texan and lived in the Houston area most of her life. She calls Cypress home with her husband and three kids.
She enjoys tennis and volunteering her time to her kid’s school and church activities.
She realizes that the client’s first call to ask for help isn’t an easy call to make. It brings Jacque much joy to be able to connect potential clients with a staff member at Sequoia, knowing she has confidence in the care that clients will receive with our counselors. Jacque’s objective is to make sure each client feels comfortable and safe with the counselor that you choose together.
Sometimes finding the right counselor is simply a matter of finding someone who has training and experience in the particular area you are looking for but sometimes finding the right fit in a counselor can be more challenging.
We asked our staff to describe each other candidly in order to help potential clients know who is behind the bio!
What does the rest of our staff say about Jacque?
conspiracy enthusiast; perfect first person to connect with a client; disarming; calming to clients; great mom to teenagers and young adults; cares for us all well; figures out the right fit; great advocate; protective; fierce; versatile; supportive; Jacque of all trades; strong moral compass; former flight attendant; delivered a baby; given a tracheotomy; self defense expert; dog lover; big fan of true crime podcasts