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The Power of Expressive Art Therapy

In a world filled with stress and demands, it can be difficult to express our emotions in healthy ways. Expressive art therapy is a powerful tool that allows individuals to tap into their creativity and to use it as a way to express themselves. It can also invite healing from painful experiences. Expressive art therapy can be transformative for individuals and can also promote healthy emotional well-being. 

Expressive art therapy is a form of therapy that encourages individuals to use various art forms such as painting, drawing, writing, music, and even movement to explore and express their emotions. It provides a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences that may otherwise be too difficult to verbally express. Engaging in expressive art therapy unlocks the power of creativity within us. Through these various mediums of art, we can communicate our deepest emotions, experiences, and needs, while often discovering new insights and perspectives along the way. 

Art has the powerful ability to transcend words and tap into our subconscious mind. Expressive art therapy allows space for emotional release while individuals express and process complex emotions that may be difficult to verbalize. This process can lead to a sense of relief, catharsis, and healing, as buried emotions find a voice through art. Engaging in expressive art therapy allows for greater insight into our thoughts and feelings, and can help us uncover hidden parts of ourselves while also increasing our self-acceptance and personal growth. 

Expressive art therapy can also help individuals reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. The process of creating art allows us to be fully present in the moment, shifting our focus away from worries and anxieties. Coping skills are also developed through the use of art therapy. Through this counseling technique, individuals can experiment with different ways of expressing and processing emotions, which can then be applied to real-life situations. Whether one considers themselves an artist, or not, expressive art therapy offers a unique and accessible path to emotional well-being and personal growth. 


Brandy Kness,

Practicum Student Counselor

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