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Sequoia Counseling Center
Ways for Parents to Decrease Stress and Increase Positivity Amidst the Chaos of Covid-19
The struggle is real! You are not alone. Here are 5 things to consider that will keep you on the path to a healthier, happier...

When Your Spouse is on the Virus Front Lines – To the Spouses of First Responders and Healthcare Wor
Focus on Community Isolation and loneliness is a huge thing happening for you right now. You see your friends getting quarantined with...

“Into the Unknown”: Welcoming the Interruptions
If you are like me, you cried watching Frozen and were unnecessarily excited to hear that Frozen II was available for streaming NOW!...

5 Easy Ways to Start to Find “Normal”
So let’s implement some structure! Easy right? (Um…wrong!) Each time I’ve tried to step back and figure out how to incorporate structure...

Senior Year Sadness: Missing Anticipated Milestones of High School
There is anxiety about the unknown of when/if school will resume before graduation season. There is also fear that there may not be a...

During These Scary Times, I Hope You’re Taking Care of Yourself: Coronavirus and Reducing Anxiety
According to The Depression Project, this is why the coronavirus is triggering mental health issues: Triggers feelings of hopelessness,...

Finding Peace When the World Around Us Feels Out of Control
Although most of us have never experienced a pandemic, you have no doubt experienced hardship. And the reality is that while we may...

First Responder and COVID19
I grew up in a healthcare/first responder family and am still in one with my husband being a first responder. It’s a difficult place to...

Surviving Cabin Fever – You Don’t Have To Strangle Everyone While Being Safe
Being quarantined, whether self regulated or government mandated, is never fun. Since we are in Houston, we are used to hiding away for a...

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