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Hello, New Year! Bye-Bye Bad Habits!

It happens every New Year without fail. We always say, “This is going to be MY year!” We make the “spontaneous” decision to reinvent ourselves. Everyone has their resolutions, but sometimes there are things you just don’t need to do in the next year. Friends, I sincerely hope that 2019 will be your year, but let me challenge you to reflect on this past year. Take a look at all the things that worked and didn’t work. Chances are there are some things you should probably STOP doing rather than start doing.

Stop Saying, “New Year, New Me!”

More like “New Year, Same Ol’ Me.” I get the intent behind this, but you aren’t going to suddenly become a new person this year. You are going to be who you always were. It shouldn’t be about CHANGING who you are, but more about GROWING who you are. So, how about we decide to target little attributes we would like to get better at about ourselves? If you’re always late, try setting your alarm for earlier. Make small steps towards big changes. You’ll see more progress than setting yourself up for the impossible.

Stop Comparing Your Life to Your Newsfeed.

In this day and age, social media makes it so easy to compare your life to everyone on your feed. Understand that every person is at a different point in their lives, with their own set of problems you probably know nothing about, and with different lives than your own. Stop comparing yourself to these people. You are you, and there’s no changing that. Instead of focusing on other people this upcoming year, focus on yourself.

Stop Putting Off Your Health.

What you do to your body makes a huge impact on your overall happiness and health. If you’re failing to take care of yourself, nothing else will matter, so take steps to eat better, exercise and make your body healthy. Also, don’t forget about your mental health!

Stop Tearing Yourself Down.

Whether it’s because of social media, your relationships, your weight, whatever it is this year: STOP. Take 5 minutes every day to write down, or at least think about, what you did right. Make it a point this year to give yourself the gift of grace. You are a gift to this world, so act like it.

Stop Making Resolutions.

If you are in a habit of continually breaking resolutions and then getting mad at yourself over it, then just stop. This isn’t cynical. I’m not saying don’t try to be better this upcoming year, but stop setting impossible standards for yourself. Instead, have a goal word. For example, you can choose the word intention and aim for being more intentional with your time, decisions, and every other aspect by the end of the year. The best part about this is that it doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. You are just striving to do it a bit MORE. Realize that every year you can better yourself without having to suddenly become perfect by the end. Be realistic, and have a vision, and you will soar in the upcoming year.

Contact Amy Wine Counseling Center at 832-421-8714 if you have any questions about our therapeutic services or would like to schedule an appointment.


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17920 Huffmeister Rd Suite 150

Cypress, Texas 77429

Call or text: (832) 421-8714

(Message & data rates may apply)
Fax: (281) 617-4245


Counselor Office Hours
Monday -Thursday: 8 am-8 pm
Friday: 8 am–4 pm

Admin Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9 am-4 pm

"To move freely you must be deeply rooted"

Bella Lewitzky

© 2022 Sequoia Counseling Center

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