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Sequoia Counseling Center
A Deeper Look Into Grief and Loss
Loss is an inevitable part of life, and grief is a natural part of the healing process. The grieving process is not linear, and looks...

How to Talk to Someone That is Grieving
Death and loss are inevitable. They’re the most sure things about life. For some reason, though, we can get weird around the topic of...

Grieving Unmet Expectations
When you think of grief, it is likely what comes Sad flowers to mind is bereavement and grief after someone passes away. Grieving is...

Treatment for Infertility: Fostering Hope
For this post, I would like to focus on the solutions for infertility. Fertility treatment looks different for every family. Options...

Harry Potter and the Meaning of Suffering
Emotions While this may seem counter intuitive, sometimes the way we know we are prospering as humans is through our ability to feel and...

Harry Potter and the Invisible Scars
Battling Thoughts I think anyone who has struggled with their mental health can relate to the idea that sometimes your thoughts can cause...

Coping With Grief During The Holidays
The holidays bring meaning to certain days, and we bring much significance back to them. When you have lost someone special, your world...

The Healing Power of Tears
Tears are the body’s release of stress, sadness, grief, anxiety, and frustration. Crying purges the body of pent up emotion, pain, and...

What’s the Big Deal About Journaling?
Manage Stress and Anxiety Much like writing a letter to someone but never sending it, expressing your thoughts and feelings on paper can...

Those Attractive Nuisances
A landowner may be liable for injuries to children who trespass on his or her land if the injury results from a hazardous object on the...

It’s OK To Not Be OK
Here’s the thing that keeps me pushing forward. I’ve finally told myself that it’s ok to not be ok. Not every day is going to be all...

What can you do to support someone living with depression?
Depression is not easy. It is complicated and different for each person who struggles with it. Sometimes, I wonder if people really...

Postpartum Depression: How A Husband Can Help
Elizabeth, or Libby, was a special education teacher in Plano, TX. She suffered from postpartum depression after giving birth 20 months...

Life Transitions
Correction- we have to adapt. Transitions can cause a great deal of anxiety. Anxiety is a strong sense of fear or worry that tells us,...

Masking Mental Illness
Recently, I was shocked to hear about the passing of one of my favorite designers, Kate Spade. To me, she had it all going for her. Her...

The Benefits of Journaling
Journaling is a therapeutic tool or strategy prescribed by many therapists to help people who may be struggling with a variety of life...

Surviving Holiday FAQs
The holidays are really great. It’s an opportunity to get together with friends and family you haven’t seen in a while, indulge in some...

The Unwelcomed Holiday Guest
Is there a time of year that is more food focused than the November/December holiday season? The amount of food and diet talk that pops...

Surviving the Holidays with Your In-Laws
As I sit here, taking a break from all the holiday baking I am responsible for this year, a sense of relief comes over me. This year, I...

So Many Books, So Little Time
Often times in my sessions, clients’ will ask me “What books can I be reading right now to help me with x-y-z?” You would think that...

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