Challenge of ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be a difficult thing to live with. Whether or not you or your child has been officially diagnosed, the behaviors associated with ADHD can cause a lot of stress and anxiety in the family. Despite that, you can take heart. The good news is that, while you may be feeling overwhelmed at the moment, you don’t have to stay that way.
What is ADHD and it’s Three Versions?
There are three types of ADHD:
According to the DSM-V, about 5% of children and 2.5% of adults are diagnosed with ADHD annually.
Signs of Hyperactive-Impulsive Version
Fidgeting or squirming
Difficulty playing quietly
Talking excessively; interrupting others
Trouble waiting for his/her turn
Signs of Inattentive Version
Failure to pay attention to details; makes careless mistakes
Difficulty listening to directions
Easily distracted
Forgetfulness or lack of interest in doing difficult tasks
Alternatively, a combined presentation will show some combination of signs of both of these symptom lists.
How Do You Get Help?
After getting a diagnosis of ADHD, it might be hard for you to process what to do next. There are a few tools you can use to see what best fits your diagnosis, family dynamic and schedule.
First, you may want to consider seeking therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be beneficial in teaching both self and emotional regulation, as well as stress management techniques and ways to decrease impulsivity. Other kinds of therapies can help increase self-confidence and self-belief. Developing these traits can help to support other positive behavioral changes. Family therapy offers specific tools and techniques for parents to help adjust their parenting style to more effectively benefit a child who has been diagnosed with ADHD.
You may also want to see a medication management professional, like a psychiatrist or clinical nurse practitioner, about taking medication. There are a variety of different types of medication that can help regulate ADHD symptoms and make them more manageable. For instance, medication may increase your attention span, lower hyperactivity or decrease impulsivity. You should know that medications can come with some unwanted side effects. Other considerations for managing ADHD might include developing strategies for modifying how you structure your day, both at home and in the workplace. In terms of your child, schools offer classroom accommodations as well.
Whatever way you choose to manage or treat your ADHD, know you are not alone in your journey. There any number of resources and support systems available to you. Here at Amy Wine Counseling Center, we can provide you with initial therapy, ongoing support and even ADHD evaluation. Call us at 832-421-8714 or email us here to schedule an appointment. We are truly here to help!